AI Trading Strategy Removes Emotion From Trading

Teeka Tiwari
Oct 14, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
6 min read

Editor’s note: Colleague Teeka Tiwari has minted more crypto millionaires than anyone I know.

Yet even he isn’t immune to the wild swings that have always been the name of the game when it comes to crypto investing. He often calls that volatility “the price of admission” you pay for the life-changing gains crypto can offer.

But Teeka’s been developing a new crypto trading strategy that’s sidestepping the problem entirely. The solution to crypto volatility?

Artificial intelligence.

These “thinking machines” can pick up on patterns no human analyst can see… And with his new AI trading strategy, he’s finally found a way to sidestep much of the gut-wrenching volatility while still preserving massive upside.

You can go here to learn more about Teeka’s Project C.O.N.A.N… then read on below for more about how this AI is removing emotion from the equation when it comes to trading crypto…

Investing in the markets can literally hospitalize you.

I can attest…

The high blood pressure from my time on Wall Street left me with the kidneys of an 80-year-old man before I turned 50.

It’s been a heck of a ride. And I don’t regret it.

But it would’ve been even better had someone taught me how to emotionally deal with the relentless ups and downs.

Among all my mentors, not one of them showed me how to handle the array of emotions everyone working on Wall Street goes through.

But it’s not just professionals who wreck their health over market stress. So do retail investors.

A study in the Journal of Finance found a link between daily stock returns and hospital admissions… particularly for psychological conditions like anxiety, panic disorder, and major depression.

And the study found the effect is nearly instantaneous (within the same day of the market drop).

Another study by the American Journal of Cardiology found that the number of heart attacks spiked in the wake of the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Researchers at Duke University reviewed medical records for 11,590 people who had undergone testing for heart disease during a three-year period… and then compared monthly heart attack rates with stock market levels.

Heart attacks increased steadily over one eight-month period – September 2008 to March 2009 – that was particularly bad for the stock market.

Here’s the thing…

The volatility you find in the stock market pales in comparison to the crypto market.

Like Riding a Wild Bull

The crypto market is twice as volatile as stocks.

Right now, the Crypto Volatility Index (CVI) sits at a reading of 40. That means traders expect the crypto market to move 40% (either up or down) over the next year.

By comparison, the S&P 500 Volatility Index (VIX) is only at 17.

However, this has been a relatively calm period for cryptocurrencies. Over the past four years, the CVI has peaked at 160 three times.

That’s more than double the highest level ever for the VIX. And that includes the pandemic-related crash in March 2020 and the 2008 Financial Crisis.

From the beginning, I’ve told my readers that crypto will be the most volatile investment you ever own. It’s like riding a wild bull.

There will be mornings when you’re down 50% and feel like vomiting all over your keyboard.

I’ve had times when all of my crypto trades were in the red… and not just a little bit, but by a lot. And it’s not fun.

That was the price of admission to make 10x, 100x, or 1,000x on your money.

I had my team look at all my crypto recommendations that returned over 1,000%. And we found the average holding period of the massive winners was about two years.

Of course, the returns are well worth it. Most Wall Street traders would give their firstborn for those types of gains.

But sitting in the Crypto Winter wasteland for two years waiting for them is agonizing.

For years, I’ve been looking for a way to accelerate the explosive gains you can make from crypto – without all the crazy ups and downs of the crypto market.

Before artificial intelligence (AI), this was a pipe dream.

Trading Crypto Without the Emotion

With recent developments, we’ve now been able to use a special type of AI to see things in the crypto market that not even a team of the smartest scientists can see.

And I was only able to do this because I recruited an AI researcher to help me develop this AI large language model.

This researcher is using the same type of AI that’s powering all these Big Tech companies, including Elon Musk’s self-driving Tesla cars.

And now that we’ve filed a patent on it, I’m ready to introduce this AI model to the world.

It’s called C.O.N.A.N.

That stands for Crypto Optimization Neural Artificial Network.

We’ve invested more than a half-million dollars to build C.O.N.A.N. And my team spent countless hours researching and testing it.

C.O.N.A.N. processes 4 gigabytes of data each day representing 200 different data points for each cryptocurrency. And it processes 4 terabytes over its lifetime.

A terabyte is a measure of data used every time you connect to the internet. It’s the equivalent of 1,000 gigabytes.

Its data includes everything from price and volume… to liquidity… to concentration risk… and even social media activity related to the underlying assets.

Data doesn’t lie. And C.O.N.A.N. can “see” all of it.

And here’s what may come as a surprise: We don’t and can’t know exactly how C.O.N.A.N. “decides” which trades to make.

That’s the nature of deep learning and neural networks. It takes all the emotion out of trading cryptos.

Through our backtesting, we determined that the strongest signals are generated with a 60-day cycle.

And that’s why I held a special briefing last week to introduce C.O.N.A.N. to the world.

Right now, C.O.N.A.N. says we’re in one of those 60-day profit windows. And it has just triggered three new buy alerts.

During the event, I even revealed the name of one of the tokens C.O.N.A.N. sent an alert on – completely free of charge.

You should know the free recommendations I’ve given away in past broadcasts have an average peak gain of more than 1,200%.

Friends, everyone knows the crypto market can deliver big gains faster than any other market.

However, the price for these gains is the type of gut-wrenching volatility that can cause panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.

I don’t want you to go through that. And that’s why I flipped the switch on C.O.N.A.N.

Once it finds these 60-day windows, you just get into the trade when the window opens… then cash out in 60 days or less.

And in the process, you get positioned to capture the “meat” of the move without having to sit through two years of volatility.

I’ve always said volatility was the price you had to pay to make life-changing returns.

But with C.O.N.A.N. I’ve finally found a way to sidestep much of the gut-wrenching volatility while still preserving massive upside.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

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