Don’t Look Up – You’re About to Be Hit by a $33 Trillion Debt Comet

Teeka Tiwari
Nov 4, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
6 min read

Colin’s note: In today’s guest insight, colleague Teeka Tiwari warns that the U.S. dollar is headed for collapse…

And the old playbooks for dodging a dollar crisis – buying gold and real estate – won’t work.

But he believes one asset will skyrocket.

The last time the dollar went through a similar crisis, his readers had a chance to make 27 times…. 56 times… and even 850 times their money – in less than two years off this asset. Over to Teeka…

In 2021, Netflix released the movie Don’t Look Up.

It’s the streaming giant’s second most popular movie of all time. The parallels between the movie and today’s economy are eerie…

In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio plays a scientist named Randall Mindy.

Mindy discovers a comet the size of Mount Everest is on a direct collision course with Earth… And it will destroy humanity.

During the entire movie, Mindy tries to warn everyone…

He goes on several TV shows… meets with generals at the Pentagon… talks to Congress… and even gets an audience with the president at the White House.

Mindy is screaming at the top of his lungs, “If we don’t do something, we’re all going to die. This comet will wipe out life on Earth.”

But nobody seems to care.

When they finally start listening to him, it’s too late to do anything about it.

Here’s why I’m telling you this…

A “debt comet” is about to hit us.

And if you don’t prepare now, it’ll leave a crater-sized hole in your retirement portfolio…

The $33 Trillion Debt Comet

Most of us know the United States is deep in debt. For the first time ever, our government is $33 trillion in the hole.

That’s bigger than the size of our entire economy.

From 2008-2021, this out-of-control debt was manageable. That’s because interest rates were close to zero. So the interest we paid on that mountain of debt wasn’t a big deal.

But something has changed…

Since 2022, the Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates 11 times. That’s the fastest pace ever.

At the same time, rates have skyrocketed to over 5%. That’s the highest level in the last two decades. And it’s a huge problem for our government.

Let me put this in perspective…

Imagine you had a $100,000 balance on your credit card. And every month, you only made the minimum payment because you were paying close to 0% in interest.

You could probably manage that, right?

But what do you think would happen to you if your credit card company jacked up your rate to 5% virtually overnight?

That’s exactly what’s happening with the U.S. government right now. And it’s why I believe we’re about to get hit with a $33 trillion debt comet.

The World Isn’t Prepared for What’s Coming

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently warned we could see rates as high as 7%.

“I am not sure if the world is prepared for 7%,” Dimon told the Times of India.

Dimon runs the largest bank in the United States. He’s done the math. And that’s why he’s so concerned – and you should be, too.

At 7%, the net interest payment on $33 trillion in debt would be about $2.1 trillion – every single year.

That’s nearly three times bigger than the U.S. defense budget. And almost twice the amount the government spends on Social Security.

But that’s not even the worst of it…

In 2022, the U.S. government generated $4.9 trillion in tax revenues.

So in a world of 7% interest rates, nearly half of your tax dollars would go just to pay interest on our government’s out-of-control debt.

Friends, this chart should send a chill down every American’s spine. If that’s not a debt comet hurtling toward our financial system, I don’t know what is.

We’ve Entered a “Doom Loop”

Washington could solve the debt crisis with some serious belt-tightening.

But imagine a politician running a campaign with this promise:

If you elect me, I’ll cut your Social Security check and Medicare benefits, You won’t get any food stamps, either… And by the way, I’m going to double your taxes, too.

What are the chances of that happening?

Cutting welfare and raising taxes is the quickest way for any politician to lose an election. So that’s not going to happen.

The truth of the matter is this…

The U.S. government can’t go bankrupt because its central bank (the Federal Reserve) can always print more dollars. And if there’s one thing the government knows how to do, it’s print money.

So it will have no choice but to print more money to pay down all this debt.

If the government continues to print more money, that will increase inflation and decrease your purchasing power.

We saw that during the COVID-19 pandemic when the Fed pumped $5 trillion into the economy. The inflation rate jumped as high as 9.1%.

Economists have a name for this type of crisis. It’s called a “doom loop.”

A doom loop happens when the market believes a government can’t pay down its debt or is about to go bankrupt.

That’s why The Wall Street Journal wrote: “The cost of borrowing is near untenable levels. If we aren’t already in a ‘doom loop,’ we’re getting close.”

What You Must Do Next

Friends, if you know me, then you know I’m not a doom-and-gloomer. 

I came to America with $150 in my pocket and the determination to become rich. And this country helped make me a wealthy man.

But I agree with the Journal. We’re getting close to a doom loop.

The old playbooks for dodging a dollar crisis – buying gold and real estate – won’t work. And on Wednesday, November 8, at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll explain why.

On that day, I’m holding a special briefing called The Final Collapse.

During this briefing, I’ll tell you about an event scheduled for this month that could initiate this doom loop and trigger the final collapse of the dollar.

But in every crisis, there’s opportunity.

That’s why I’ll also reveal the one asset I believe will skyrocket during the collapse.

The last time the dollar had a similar crisis, my readers had a chance to make 27 times…. 56 times… and even 850 times their money – in less than two years off this asset.

And just for attending my event, I’m giving away a free recommendation, no strings attached.

In the past, my past free picks have an average peak gain of over 1,100%. That would be 12 times your money. So you’ll want to hear what it is.

If you don’t act by the end of this month, you could see a permanent reduction of the purchasing power of the dollars in your pocket… your bank account… and your retirement account.

Friends, millions of Americans don’t understand what’s coming. And I believe they’ll be completely wiped out when all is said and done.

I want to show you how to sidestep this incoming “debt comet” so you and your family can stay safe. Click here to register for my event.

And when you sign up as a VIP member, I’ll have a special bonus gift for you.

Let the Game Come to You!

Big T

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