How Artificial Intelligence Can Give Traders an Edge

Keith Kaplan
Apr 13, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
8 min read

Editor’s Note: ChatGPT has taken the world by storm, and people are grappling with the implications.

Today, we’re sharing an insight from Keith Kaplan. Keith is the CEO of TradeSmith, one of the world’s leading investment data analytics firms.

As Keith shares below, this powerful new technology will change the world in ways few can predict. And for investors, it presents an incredible opportunity.

TradeSmith is in the process of rolling out its own AI-powered software. Code-named “An-E,” the team believes it could prove to be the biggest trading breakthrough of the decade. Read on…

By now, you’ve heard the incredible news.

It’s spreading around the world like wildfire.

In December 2022, the revolutionary artificial intelligence program called “ChatGPT” made its public debut… and it became a worldwide sensation.

ChatGPT is a hyperintelligent computer program that can write novels, screenplays, PhD dissertations, and research papers… all in a way that is indistinguishable from humans.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates says ChatGPT is as significant as the invention of the Internet and will “change our world.”

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has said AI is “one of the most profound things we’re working on as humanity. It’s more profound than fire or electricity.”

Then in March 2023, not long after ChatGPT stunned the business community, a new version, Chat GPT-4, debuted and was even more powerful than the previous version.

The uses of ChatGPT – and its implications – are beyond enormous, which explains why ChatGPT was adopted by over one million people in just five days… the fastest rate of technological adoption in history.

For point of reference, it took Facebook 10 months to reach one million users… and over a year for Twitter.

Let that sink in. It took Facebook 10 months to reach 1 million users. ChatGPT did it in just five days.

The world is scrambling to grasp the implications here.

Google executives called a Code Red meeting.

Bank of America equity strategist Haim Israel advised clients that we are at an inflection point in history, “If data is the new oil, then AI is the new electricity,” he wrote.

And the mainstream media is rushing to cover the story.

While ChatGPT has caught the mainstream media and most stock market personalities off guard, none of this came as a surprise to TradeSmith executives or our research team.

TradeSmith is one of world’s leading investment data analytics firms. We have a staff of 36 data scientists, software engineers, and investment analysts working on developing and maintaining our investment software and market analysis algorithms. Our team literally has hundreds of years of collective experience in the software development and data science fields.

So, it’s no surprise we developed deep artificial intelligence knowledge years ago. We’ve been using it for years to design strategies that help ourselves and our customers beat the market.

Our market-crushing, world-beating, mega hit options analysis programs? Those employ AI.

Put differently, we were AI experts before AI was cool.

Now that AI is cool in the eyes of the media, we’re seeing a lot of people writing about it as if they are experts.

People who can barely turn on a computer are claiming to be AI experts. Many of these people don’t know artificial intelligence from artificial flavors.

As a company that has integrated AI into its systems for years, we can tell you that the hype around AI and next generation data analytics is justified.

As mentioned above, ChatGPT and other AI-powered programs can write novels, screenplays, PhD dissertations, and research papers… all in a way that is indistinguishable from humans. But the list of ways AI has changed the way we live is longer than you might think.

  • AI-powered data analytics is revolutionizing pro sports. When you watch an NFL game, they have probabilities and stats all over the place. The Boston Red Sox finally won the World Series in 2004 because they used data analytics to field a winning team. The Chicago Cubs broke a long World Series drought with data analytics as well.

  • In 1997, the artificial intelligence program Deep Blue defeated the world’s best chess player.

  • In 2016, an AI program defeated a world-class Go player. (Go is much more complicated than chess, so the victory was a major milestone in computer history)

  • AI can now beat the best cancer doctors at spotting cancer on X-rays.

  • Uber uses AI to dispatch drivers and link them with customers.

  • Amazon uses AI to recommend potential purchases to you.

  • Facebook uses AI to arrange and customize its news feeds.

  • Dating sites like use AI to help people find potential soulmates.

  • Health care firms are using AI to scan DNA, blood, and other test results to spot problems with greater accuracy than human experts.

  • Recruiting firms are using AI to sift through resumes and job applications and recommend the best candidates. No humans needed.

Right now, many people are saying “The AI revolution is here.” We say, “You’re right! It’s been here for a long time. You just weren’t aware of it.”

Really, Really Powerful Software

At its core, AI is simply just really powerful software running on really powerful computers.

If you’ve paid attention to the biggest tech and business trends of the past 30 years, you know why that is such a big, big deal.

Over the past 30 years, software has massively improved our ability to collect, analyze, and act on information. It has allowed us to make a quantum leap in human prosperity and efficiency.

A great software program can help you make smart business decisions, find travel deals, talk to loved ones, and get a cheap ride home.

Software has massively improved our ability to communicate, share information, transact, gather data, and analyze data.

Healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, energy production, food production, retail, banking, you name it… software programs have allowed us to do it much more efficiently.

For example, one person running an Excel spreadsheet on a computer can do the work of a million accountants from days past.

One person running payroll software on a computer can do the work of a million back-office workers from days past.

One person running logistics software on a computer can do the work of a million railroad managers from days past.

Think of all the software-based products and services that bring us joy or save us time, money, and frustration: Google, Microsoft Word, Uber, Facebook, restaurant reservation apps, Expedia, the iPhone operating system, Excel, Waymo, PayPal, Docusign, airline booking software, online bill paying, online brokerages, etc.

The list of things that software does better and faster than us – saving us tons of time, frustration, and headaches – goes on for miles.

This brings me to the financial markets.

You see, there’s no bigger, more lucrative set of data than the history of American stock prices and corporate financial statements. All this information would fill libraries if it was printed on paper.

Fortunately, our ability to understand and act on information has skyrocketed over the past 30 years.

This is because, in the past three decades, the cost of computing power has plummeted – while computing power itself has skyrocketed.

For example, in 1996, the ASCI Red Supercomputer was the first computer to reach the speed of 1 Teraflop. Reaching this speed earned ASCI Red the prestigious title of “world’s fastest computer.”

ASCI Red took up a tennis court-sized amount of office space and cost $55 million to make.

Just 10 years after ASCI Red went into service, Sony released its PlayStation 3 video game console. It had almost twice the computational power as ASCI Red… and cost less than 1% to make.

Plus, the PlayStation 3 could fit in a backpack.

This is one of my favorite ways to prove an important point: Computers are advancing in speed and power at a stunning rate.

Thanks to advancements in computing power, we can now perform amazingly complicated analytical projects for ridiculously low prices, which has revolutionized our understanding of the world.

Thanks to low-cost super computers, an analytical project that took one month to complete in 1996 can be performed today in less than one minute… and at less than 1% of the cost.

Hugely expensive data analysis projects that were only in the realm of governments and large corporations can now be performed by a teenager in his parent’s basement at essentially no cost.

The massive increase in computing power now allows us to gather, record, and monitor trillions of data points, signs, and clues from all walks of life… and then determine exactly what they mean.

We’re using this new technology to uncover hidden correlations, secret relationships, and signals in the data.

We’re finding meaningful “cause and effect” relationships where in the past, we only found meaningless noise.

With this incredible computing power and AI at our fingertips, we embarked on the most important research projects of our company’s history… one that could help you make much bigger stock market returns than you’re making now, while taking less risk.

We call this “Project An-E” (pronounced Annie).

With the help of powerful computers, we conducted Project An-E with a simple goal in mind…

Determine the attributes of stocks most likely to go up in the near future.

Put differently, get as close as possible to having tomorrow’s newspaper.

As you know, every public company has hundreds of data points related to its business and its stock.

There’s annual earnings, quarterly earnings, net profits, gross profits, sales, P/E, return on equity, tangible assets, stock price momentum, trading volume, and relative strength just to name a few.

But which of those data points are proven – beyond a shadow of a doubt – to have real-world, profit-producing predictive power?

Is a low P/E the best predictor of future stock returns?

Is blazing sales growth the best predictor of future stock returns?

Is positive stock price momentum the best predictor of future stock returns?

Is it a combination of factors?

Those are the questions we set out to answer. We wanted to find what really works in the stock market.

We brought no preconceived notions to the project. No biases. No wishful thinking. No egos to defend. No past stances to justify. We just let the data – and the AI analyzing the data – do the talking.

We just let the AI answer the questions…

  • What stock factors have the most predictive power?

  • What type of stock picking system will give us the greatest profit-producing edge?

  • What is the closest thing to having tomorrow’s stock tables in our hands?

Now, let me be crystal clear. I’m NOT talking about predicting the future.

I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s impossible to predict the future. With Project An-E, we didn’t chase the impossible dream of predicting the future.

What we did was look for the closest thing to it.

We looked for an “edge” that we could exploit over and over and over again.

That’s why, on April 25 at 8 p.m. Eastern., I’m hosting a special event where I unveil Project An-E.

What we’ve found is incredible… and could help you amass stunning, life-changing wealth over the next few years.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss my special event! You’re not going to want to miss out on what I’ll be sharing on Tuesday, April 25.

Enjoy your day,

Keith Kaplan,
CEO, TradeSmith

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