How You Can “Skim” Profits From Bitcoin

Larry Benedict
Oct 28, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
4 min read

Editor’s note: Earlier this week, renowned trader Larry Benedict went live with all the details on a new strategy he’s been developing.

It’s called “bitcoin skimming.” And it gives you access to the life-changing gains crypto can offer… without having to suffer through the crippling plunges it’s known for.

In fact, as a trader, Larry thrives when volatility is running wild. He can profit no matter if the market is going up or down… And the wider the swings, the greater the gains.

And it’s why his bitcoin skimming strategy is so great. He’s used it to “skim” profits 6x… 9x… and 22x more than regular traders on moves in bitcoin… all without having to buy or own the crypto directly.

If you missed his big event, don’t worry. If you want to learn how his strategy works and how to place your first “skim” trade… you can go here to access a replay of the event.

Then read on for more on how Larry’s obsession with managing risk led him to his skim trade discovery.

Disgraced crypto boss Sam Bankman-Fried lied.

That’s bad.

Worse, those lies led to folks who held coins at his crypto exchange, FTX, losing $8 billion.

This came to a head last November when FTX collapsed and Bankman-Fried ended up in jail facing fraud charges.

Hearing dramatic stories like this may make you wary of trusting online cryptocurrency exchanges like FTX.

It may also make you wary of the kind of volatility stories like this unleash.

Following the news of fraud at FTX, bitcoin plunged as much as 23% before rising 50% over the next 8 months.

And that was nothing compared with the 70% peak-to-trough fall from November 2021 to June 2022.

If you’re a buy-and-hold investor, that kind of volatility is hard to stomach.

But it’s a gift for traders like me.

We profit from price swings in different assets. The bigger those swings are, the higher our potential profits.

That’s why I’m so excited about my “bitcoin skimming” trading strategy.

It’s a way to help regular investors – even folks who don’t know anything about crypto – to profit without taking big risks.

In fact, I’ve given my readers the chance to close out gains of 37.8%… 41.6%… 72%… even 98% from bitcoin skim trades I’ve recommended.

And they were able to do it all through their regular brokerage account without putting a single cent into bitcoin directly.

Obsession With Risk Control

My goal in recent years has been to find a way to profit from bitcoin without the risk of fraud or crypto crashes.

Risk management has been one of the biggest lessons of my career.

When I started as a trader in the 1980s, I didn’t have a good risk management discipline. My risk controls were poor. And my drawdowns were too big for the capital I had.

I learned it along the way.

In 1989, I got a job with a leading trading firm called Spear, Leeds & Kellogg. Its risk controls – what they let you lose on a trade – were so tight, it completely changed the way I traded.

That’s how I went 20 years without a losing year. I never let my losses get out of control. And I’d only bet big with money I’d made from winning trades, not from my original stake.

And I’m bringing that same obsession about risk to the crypto market.

I knew there had to be a way to profit from bitcoin without relying on exchanges or crypto wallets.

For example, on one trade, I saw that a rally in bitcoin was topping out.

And I recommended my readers place a trade that would pay off if bitcoin’s price dropped.

Over that time, bitcoin fell 9%.

And readers who followed that trade had the chance to make a 69% gain in roughly a week.

This is why I call my strategy “bitcoin skimming.”

It allows you to pull profits from bitcoin without having to buy bitcoin directly.

Plus, you can profit whether bitcoin soars or plunges.

And I’d love to tell you more about how it works…

Bigger Gains Than Just Buying Bitcoin

Earlier this week, I hosted a “Bitcoin Skimming” event where I went over how skim trading works… and why it can lead to even bigger gains than just buying and holding bitcoin.

Even better, you can place skim trades on other assets as well. I’ve used it to pull profits from AI stocks, bonds, and commodities.

It’s not too late to take advantage…

My publisher has made a replay of my event available for a limited time. If you want to learn all about how to place skim trades and start skimming profits off swings in bitcoin… you can access it right here.


Larry Benedict
Editor, Trading With Larry Benedict

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