Market Volatility Provides Opportunities for Traders

Jeff Clark
Aug 21, 2020
The Bleeding Edge
6 min read

Van’s Note: Van Bryan here, Jeff Brown’s managing editor. Instead of our usual technology fare, this morning we’d like to bring our readers a special edition of The Bleeding Edge with a very personal essay from our friend and colleague Jeff Clark.

Like many readers, Jeff’s experienced some of the ups and downs that the pandemic has brought on this year. And that’s especially true in regard to his son, Carson, who just graduated high school without many of the usual celebrations.

But the lockdowns and quarantines have given Jeff and Carson the chance to share a new experience together: trading. After all, Jeff Clark is a master trader with a knack for making contrarian calls that turn out to be true.

And next Wednesday, on August 26, Jeff will be giving a presentation no reader should miss. He will be teaching his son the ropes of trading… and giving all attendees a free recommendation they can put into action.

Make sure you don’t miss out. Go right here to reserve your spot.

By Jeff Clark, Editor, The Delta Report

On August 26th, I’m doing something I never imagined I’d ever do…

My 18-year-old son, Carson, will sit down with me at our kitchen table in California, and he’ll attempt to double his money using the same trading technique that helped me retire when I was just 42.

It’s strange that Carson – who has no financial experience whatsoever – is willing to risk his hard-earned cash on something he knows nothing about…

But then again, it’s been a strange year…

As just one example… Thanks to this pandemic, I’ve barely left the house in four months.

Now, that’s not really a big deal for me. I’ve been working from home for close to 15 years. And I have everything here that I could ever need. But for some people, this whole situation has been hard to get used to. Take Carson, for example…

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. and everything shut down, Carson’s been spending a lot more time at home.

He graduated high school this year. But due to the shutdown, he wasn’t able to walk across the stage and claim his diploma. He missed out on his senior prom and homecoming celebration. His last semester of classes was done over video chat…

It’s a shame Carson couldn’t experience the things most kids get to do in their senior year of high school.

But there is a bright spot to all this.

With all this time at home, Carson has taken an interest in what I do for a living. He sees the type of money I’ve made over my 36-year career… and continue to make every day.

In fact, he’s been impressed that I’ve identified and shared six different opportunities this year that could have doubled your money… while many other people in the market have lost money or sat on the sidelines.

You see, I’m a trader. I make a living by profiting off short-term moves in the stock market.

I was hooked back in 1987, when a single trade just before Black Monday made me 10 times my money. Once you experience that kind of profit, it’s hard to imagine ever working a regular office job ever again.

I love my job. I’ve been trading for basically my entire career and even managed to retire at 42 years old – 25 years earlier than most folks – by building a money management firm and selling it in late 2007.

I’ve often said that trading is the one job where you can end the day with less money than you started with. But at the same time, you can wind up making so much money that you can take off the rest of the week… or the month… with nobody to answer to.

Heck, you could even take an impromptu vacation. I certainly have. Here’s a photo of Carson and me from our trip to Cape Cod last year.

Now, when your job is to trade the markets, there are risks. Like I said, it’s possible to work all day and wind up paying to do it.

But if you trade like I do, you can mitigate those risks, consistently make profits… and do so in a way that leads you to true financial freedom.

And that brings me back to my son, Carson…

Carson’s New “Hobby”

He’s been watching me carefully these past few months. He started waking up earlier to peek over my shoulder during my morning chart review. He’s asking questions about the stock market all throughout the day.

Like a lot of kids his age, he’s seen the recent market crash as an opportunity to buy stocks and start building a portfolio for the future. And he’s been fascinated by the moves made in controversial stocks like Tesla, Hertz, and Kodak …

All in all, it’s become clear that he wants to learn to do what I do. He understands that if he can become a great trader, he’ll have the freedom to do whatever he chooses with his life. And I’d rather have him learn from me than anyone else.

So I’m going to teach him. And on August 26 at 8 p.m. ET, he’ll attempt to double his money with my trading technique… and you’ll get to watch every moment of our training session, from start to finish.

My goal is to provide you a ton of great info, all of which will make you a better trader… completely for free. In fact, you’ll receive a FREE recommendation during the event… a chance for you to place a single trade the morning after the event that could double your money.

As for Carson’s trade, I hope he can pull it off…

He’s going to put his own money on the line – money that he earned doing landscaping work in our neighborhood last summer. This way, he’ll really understand what it’s like to trade the markets and risk losing his own hard-earned money.

I’m going to guide him along through the process, but whether he wins or loses is entirely on him. I won’t bail him out, and he knows that. If he loses money, he won’t be reimbursed… not by me, my publishing firm, or anyone else.

Why I’m Not Really “Retired”

Of course, trading isn’t my only job. My other passion in life is writing. And I’ve been lucky to find a way to combine the two.

You see, for the past 15 years or so, I’ve been publishing my best trading ideas and analysis to a small group of dedicated readers.

A lot of folks ask me why. After all… if I wanted, I wouldn’t have to work – or even trade – another day in my life.

It’s because continuing to write about and trade the markets keeps me sharp. And sharing my ideas holds me accountable, so that I’m always improving and finding the best opportunities the market hands us.

And nothing makes me happier than helping everyday folks make money trading the markets – even during market crashes.

You see, market crashes can be like Christmas for traders like me. While most investors fear volatility, it actually helps out folks like me who take advantage of extreme short-term moves.

And so far this year, I’ve sent my readers several great opportunities. Across my services, we’ve booked six separate gains of at least 100% – some much higher. Some people have even written in telling me that my trades have helped them recover everything they lost in the initial crash.

Those are the kinds of happy stories I want to hear every single day. And I hope that by joining me on August 26, you’ll be able to tell me and Carson your own happy story in what’s been such a difficult year.

If you haven’t already, sign up for the event right here. You don’t want to miss it.


Jeff Clark
Editor, The Delta Report

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