The AI Adoption Road Map

Phoenix Van Zutphen
Sep 5, 2023
The Bleeding Edge
2 min read

Colin’s Note: Today, I’m handing the reins over to Phoenix Van Zutphen, an analyst who’s been working behind the scenes at Brownstone Research since 2020.

He’s committed to researching emerging tech trends… and unlocking profitable ways of investing in them.

Going forward, we’ll be sharing analysis from Phoenix from time to time in the pages of The Bleeding Edge. With that said, I’ll hand things over to Phoenix.

Dear Reader,

Hardware, software, everywhere.

As Colin has said before, AI adoption is going to follow this familiar pattern.

First, hardware companies like Nvidia are going to benefit from shipping cutting-edge GPUs to tech companies.

Then, software companies like Microsoft, Alphabet, and Adobe are going to profit from rolling out AI services and products.

Finally, AI will be everywhere. In a decade, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a major enterprise that doesn’t use AI in some way.

Today, we’re looking at “everywhere” adoption. The chart below tells us how quickly AI will be adopted by different industries.

Here we can see the percentage of businesses in each industry adopting artificial intelligence in one form or another.

Marketing and advertising companies are leading the way in adopting AI – which makes sense. Companies in this space have the easiest time deploying AI. Most of their content is either text or media, the main focus point of generative AI.

But there’s another reason that industries like marketing, tech, and consulting can adopt AI so easily… It all stems from regulations.

High-regulation areas like finance, accounting, and healthcare were some of the last to jump on the internet trend three decades ago.

For example, the medical industry was not required to keep electronic documents until the passage of the Electronic Medical Records mandate in 2009 – long after the internet was a staple of our daily lives.

And we see that exact same trend happening with AI now in the chart above.

All of the industries we see in the chart can provide incredible opportunities to profit from the deployment and adoption of AI. Think of this chart like a road map – we have a list of what industries to invest in and in what order.

We should invest in the higher-adoption industries first like marketing and technology. And the lower adoption areas like finance and healthcare will come later.

In fact, in Colin’s Near Future Report advisory, he’s already showing subscribers how to invest in companies benefiting from these early AI adopters.

And in Exponential Tech Investor, he’s helping subscribers invest in the hardware and software side of AI.

Colin estimates the mass adoption in finance, accounting, and healthcare will begin in the second half of 2024.

Expect AI recommendations down the road as those slower-to-adopt sectors deploy AI.

Let’s build wealth together!

Phoenix Van Zutphen

Analyst, Brownstone Research

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