The No. 1 Tech Trend of the Next Decade

Jeff Brown
Oct 21, 2020
The Bleeding Edge
5 min read

Over the next decade, advances in technology will bring fundamental changes to our lives. In fact, they’ll dwarf all the progress we’ve seen since the great tech revolution of the late 1990s.

Everything will change. The ways in which we work… shop… sleep… eat… travel… bank… communicate… entertain ourselves… conduct warfare… manufacture… design… distribute… create… transact… and maintain our own health… will all be different.

Although we’ve seen radical changes in technology during the last two decades (streaming video, cell phones, the internet, miniaturization, etc.), these improvements are only incremental.

In fact, they are just the foundation for technology-based changes that will be exponential.

We’re on the cusp of a new revolution. And those who act now will be the first to realize the extraordinary wealth these changes will bring.

Exponential Innovation

What does “exponential” change actually mean?

In plain terms, exponential means that the larger the value is, the faster it’s growing. The growth compounds as it goes.

Exponential changes grow quite slowly in their early stages. But when they reach a certain tipping point – the sharp “elbow” you see in the chart below – they take off like a rocket.

We face one main challenge as investors when trying to find companies on the verge of exponential growth, however. The early stages of an exponential change look the same as an ordinary linear change.

As an investor, we want to be in position just before the elbow.

Think of a company like Amazon. Amazon went public on May 15, 1997. At the time, its enterprise valuation was $438 million. It generated $147.8 million in revenue that year and a mere $2.7 million in free cash flow the following year.

On a split-adjusted stock basis, Amazon rose from $1.54 per share to over $3,500 per share earlier this year. That is an incredible 180,000%+ return on investment.

The precise numbers might have changed by the time you read this research. But the point remains. Amazon delivered exponential returns to investors. Those who got in at the right time made life-changing gains.

And today, I believe we’re entering a new, faster stage of innovation across the tech landscape. Progress is accelerating.

How do I know this?

I was a high-technology executive for over 20 years. I’ve built early-stage startups. I’ve run organizations generating hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenues. And I have a wide range of technology industry experience.

I’ve done it all: semiconductors, mobility, broadcasting and video technology, technology infrastructure, IT networking, IT security, automotive, and even consumer electronics…

While I was born, educated, and started my career in America, I spent two decades living and working in international markets.

That gives me a unique global perspective for business and investing and analysis. And as an active angel investor in early-stage technology companies, I have access to information the public never sees.

And that’s why I’m so optimistic about the next few years…

As my longtime readers will be well-aware, I believe COVID-19 has served as that tipping point for a number of technology trends. And that’s one reason why I believe we’re on the edge of a unique opportunity…

COVID-19 Was the Tipping Point

Consider just a few of the changes that have occurred in 2020 because of the coronavirus…

Online grocery shopping has become the new normal with delivery services like Amazon (Whole Foods) and Instacart. In the first months of the pandemic lockdowns, Instacart alone experienced a fivefold jump because of demand. After seven years of losing money, Instacart will finally report a profit this year thanks to COVID-19.

And while some might choose to return to the grocery store once fears of the virus ease, you can bet that more people are growing accustomed to the added convenience that these kinds of apps and services offer.

Remote work is another trend we’ve seen accelerate this year. As recently as March, estimates said almost six out of every 10 Americans were working from home. And like grocery delivery, this trend will persist even after the pandemic passes.

We can already see evidence with moves like the one social media company Pinterest just made. Pinterest forked over nearly $90 million at the end of August to break its contract on a San Francisco office complex. It won’t need the space in a remote work situation.

And that means companies (and employees) are also adjusting to new forms of electronic communication and cybersecurity requirements for this kind of environment.

The list goes on…

Need prescriptions filled? Home delivery just became a norm whether we order through a local or national pharmacy. Lunch or dinner is ordered through Grub Hub, Uber Eats, or DoorDash. Wine and spirits can be happily delivered to our doors as well.

Entertainment? Netflix, HBO Now, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Roku, Showtime, and Disney+ all deliver whatever we want at our convenience.

Online dating and socialization are happening on Zoom or Google Meet (Hangouts).

Transactions are being restructured to avoid contact. Retail locations now prefer self-checkouts. More advanced retail environments are evolving to “grab and go” technology similar to Amazon Go stores.

And in a “light switch” moment, routine health care visits are now taking place using telehealth providers.

These are just a few of the permanent changes that are happening or have already happened. There will be more.

And, yes, there are exciting investment implications for the companies involved. I’ll be advising my readers to invest in the companies that are well-positioned for these changes.

And in fact, I’ve discovered the perfect way to position ourselves for this “new world order.”

If you want to learn more, I’m going to reveal the answer tonight at 8 p.m. ET.

I share all the details in the short video below. Click here or on the image below to watch.

At tonight’s summit, I’ll reveal how everyday investors can use the coming exponential growth in technology to build a million-dollar tech portfolio – from scratch – in today’s market. These are the stocks I would personally want to own in my own portfolio.

You can reserve a free ticket for this summit by going right here now.

I hope to see you there.


Jeff Brown
Editor, The Bleeding Edge

P.S. In early 2016, I recommended NVIDIA to a group of wealthy private investors. NVIDIA went on to soar more than 1,800%.

And now I believe I’ve found the company that could rival NVIDIA.

I’ll give readers the name of this company for free during the investment summit tonight… And if you haven’t already, you can sign up right here to receive VIP text alerts to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

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