Triple-Digit Gains in This Live Trader Experiment

Jonathan Rose
May 8, 2024
The Bleeding Edge
5 min read

Editor’s Note: Today, we’re sharing news of a live trading experiment you need to hear about.

Run by veteran trader Jonathan Rose, it gave regular folks the chance to make gains of 117%… 194%… and 279% in just six weeks.

In fact, of the first seven trades Jonathan closed, all were winners. And the average gain was 125%.

Jonathan will release full details of the results… and what made it so successful… at his Masters in Trading Summit. It airs at 8 p.m. ET tonight. And you can join him by following this link.

Then read more about how Jonathan can help you move the needle on your wealth. As you’ll see, he’s already helped hundreds of people go from average Joes to master traders…

How would you like to be part of an experiment?

One that could help you really move the needle on your wealth…

I’m not talking about taking part in a drug trial… Or testing some artificial intelligence algorithm.

I’m talking about a trading breakthrough. One that could significantly increase your profits… even set you on the path to financial freedom.

It’s based on a strategy I used to achieve complete financial freedom at the age of 35.

If you’re skeptical, I don’t blame you. No one wants to be a guinea pig.

But I’ve run this experiment before. And I gave folks the chance to make gains of 117%… 194%… and 279% in just six weeks.

And the average gain on the first seven winners I closed was 125%.

That’s more than 10x what you’d make investing in an S&P 500 fund over the typical year.

Now, I’m ready to take this revolutionary money-making method mainstream.

And I need your help.

First, Iet me introduce myself…

Advanced Warning

My name is Jonathan Rose.

For more than 16 years, I traded in the “pits” of some of the biggest exchanges in the world – including the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

If you’ve seen the movie Trading Places, you’ll know what I mean. I was one of those guys shouting and waving my hands around the floor of the exchange.

I then established myself as a pioneer in electronic trading in the Nasdaq markets.

And in 2003, a group of top traders from Chicago handpicked me to join their brand-new trading firm.

I’ve seen guys make more money in a few weeks than many people will earn in their entire lives.

And I’ve regularly made upward of $1 million a year just from my trading. So, I know what it takes to achieve financial freedom as a trader.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret… It’s not as hard as most people think.

Most folks struggle to become successful traders because they follow the wrong people and pick up bad habits.

That’s why I put together my experiment.

I wanted to prove that anyone – including you – could learn to trade successfully without knowing how to read candlestick charts, Bollinger Bands, Ichimoku Clouds… or any other complex trading patterns.

Instead, I used an “advance warning” system to tell me where the market is likely to go next.

Most regular traders don’t know about it. But professional traders like me use it all the time. That’s because it’s one of the most powerful ways to get an edge as a trader.

The results speak for themselves.

2,000% Gain in Three Weeks

On May 8, 2022, this advanced warning signal flashed for a medical technology company called Airsculpt Technologies (AIRS).

So, I sent an alert out to my followers and recommended a bullish trade.

On May 12, they were able to close this trade for a 543% gain.

Something similar happened with the call I made on Centrus Energy (LEU) in 2020.

On November 25, this “advance warning” indicator flashed on the stock.

Twenty days later, the trade I made was up 2,000%. That’s less than three weeks.

And I’ve seen gains of 80%, 122%, 411%, and 967% on other advance-warning trades.

I know these are incredible gains. And you may be skeptical. That’s why I’m holding a special event – which airs at 8 p.m. ET – to release my findings.

I’ll show you how my strategy works… how you can use it in your own trading… and how it helped me make more than $4 million as a trader in 2008, the year of the Global Financial Crisis.

I’ll even show a copy of my brokerage account to prove these gains are real.

So, why would I share this strategy with you instead of keeping it to myself?

Tribe of Traders

When I first started trading, I’ll admit it: I was all about the money.

I was a twenty-something kid, working on the trading floor, raking in more than a million dollars in profits, living in a nice city…

I was living the dream.

As the years went by, I became so successful that I achieved financial freedom.

This allowed me to spend an entire year training for the Ironman triathlon, which I completed in 2011. It also allowed me to train for and complete four marathons – all dreams of mine.

Even better I get to spend uninterrupted free time with my beautiful wife, my two boys, and my guitar.

That’s a great feeling. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized I wanted to give back…

I wanted to help other people achieve results like I’ve had throughout my career so they could achieve financial freedom, too.

So, in 2015, I started Masters in Trading. It’s a community where I share my strategies… and my trading insights… with a “tribe” of fellow traders.

And nothing makes me happier than seeing my members make tens of thousands of dollars using my strategies.

That’s why I’m hosting my special event. I want to release my results to the world… so more people can benefit.

And if you want to join, there’s still time to reserve a spot.

I’ll also be featuring testimonials from folks who’ve seen tremendous success thanks to my methods.

Like Dan B., who made more than $130,000 on a $2,500 trade in less than a month.

And Philip B., who was able to triple his account since working with me.

Dan and Phillip aren’t alone. I’ll also feature stories from other members of my community who’ve transformed their lives through trading my strategy.

So, I encourage you to come and see the results. Let me show you how my trading community will not only help you achieve your financial goals but also enrich your life.

And remember, the creative trader always wins!

Jonathan Rose

Editor, Masters in Trading

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