Why You Should Start Every Year With a “Freedom Number”

Teeka Tiwari
Jan 12, 2022
The Bleeding Edge
7 min read

Van’s note: Van here, editorial director at Brownstone Research. At The Bleeding Edge, we bring our readers the very latest advances in the world of technology. But every now and then, we come across different ideas from other great minds in the business and want to share them with you.

And tonight is the night – our friend and colleague Teeka Tiwari, editor at Palm Beach Venture, is hosting a special event where he’ll explain how you can discover the most promising companies going public in 2022… And if you position yourself early in the right ones… you could hit what Teeka calls your personal “Freedom Number” this year.

It all comes down to knowing which of two paths to follow…

And Teeka shares all the information below…

By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Venture

Over the years, I’ve achieved a lot of success…

I was once the youngest vice president in Shearson Lehman history. And after 15 years on Wall Street, I left to run my own successful hedge fund for a decade before retiring.

Today, I’m an editor of arguably the most successful newsletter business in the world.

But here’s the thing…

Despite all my early successes, I never knew what it meant to truly be financially “free.”

When I started on the path to my dream life, I found that no matter how much I earned, it wasn’t enough.

I didn’t have a money problem… I had a spending problem. And if you spend every penny you make, there’s no way you can reach your financial dreams.

When I finally realized that, I had to ask myself a hard question: What do I really want out of life?

At first, I didn’t have an answer. So every morning, I sat at my desk and wrote out my vision for a life of financial freedom.

I had to step out of my comfort zone and reimagine my ideal dream life from scratch.

I wrote about the home I would live in… the view of the ocean from my balcony… the sound of the waves in the background.

I wrote about my workday, the people I interacted with, the type of romantic relationship I wanted, and the kind of wealth I would have.

And this thoughtful, detailed plan led me to an idea I call a “Freedom Number.”

Today, thanks to that number, I’ve achieved nearly all those dreams.

Now it’s your turn.

I know many of you out there also want the financial freedom to achieve your dream life. My goal is to help you do that this year…

What Is Your “Freedom Number”?

I’m going to share a fundamental truth with you: Just saying you want a lot of money isn’t enough. You need to write it down and create a plan to make it a reality. Just like I did.

First, you need to write down your own personal Freedom Number. It’s the amount of money you need to live the life you deserve. You should reexamine this number every year until you achieve your goal.

My life forever changed for the better when I created my Freedom Number. It gave me a target to shoot for that focused my actions on what really mattered. And every year, I was able to see how much I had accomplished… and how much closer I was to my dream.

It gave me the confidence to make bold moves and change my financial situation.

You don’t have to tell anyone else your Freedom Number. (My recommendation is to keep it to yourself.) But you should write it down.

Once written down, ask yourself, “If I could achieve this… how would I do it?”

It’s OK if you don’t know the answer yet. (Below, I’ll reveal how you could achieve your Freedom Number this year.)

Just the act of opening your mind to a life radically different from the one you currently live can move things in the direction you want them to go.

Now, I realize financial freedom means different things to different people. Everyone is different. And everyone has their own Freedom Number.

For some of you, it could mean an early retirement… a paid-off mortgage… beautiful memories, and trips shared with loved ones.

Others will use it for guilt-free indulgences like buying a car you’ve always wanted or jewelry for a spouse…

And some of you may use your Freedom Number to pay for your kids’ college tuition… or help others achieve freedom through charitable giving.

So here’s what I want you to do… Really think about what you want and what it will cost to get the lifestyle you’ve always desired.

Write down that number.

Once you do, I’ll show you how you could potentially hit that exact number in 2022 – without putting your current lifestyle at risk.

Let me be clear… I can’t guarantee it will happen. But it’s exactly the type of life-changing idea we have in front of us.

How To Achieve Your Freedom Number This Year

For nearly a decade, my mission has been to help more people reach their Freedom Numbers than any other editor in the newsletter business.

But there’s an elite group of people out there working against you. And they don’t want you to know about the biggest money-making opportunity of 2022 – yet.

It’s called the metaverse.

I won’t dive too deep in the weeds here… But the metaverse is a digital world where we’ll live, work, play, and interact in innovative and previously unimaginable ways.

Morgan Stanley projects the metaverse will have an $8 trillion addressable market by 2030. That’s nearly twice the size of the global e-commerce market.

This trend is so huge that Facebook – the 7th-largest U.S. company by market cap – changed its name to Meta last year to become a leader in the space.

The day after that, Microsoft announced its pivot to the metaverse. And about a week after that, Square, another multi-billion tech giant, changed its name, too.

This is huge news for the future of the metaverse… But what really has me excited is metaverse IPOs.

According to our research, we could see 22 metaverse companies go public in 2022. And if you position yourself early in the right ones… you could hit your Freedom Number this year.

It all comes down to knowing which of two paths to follow…

The first path I call the “Hype Hole.” That’s when Wall Street gets you super-excited about a private company going public – also called an initial public offering (IPO).

Wall Street loves it when you follow this path.

You think you’re getting a great deal. And they get to milk you for fees for decades while you struggle to hit your Freedom Number.

The second path – what I call the “Blueprint” path – has the potential to set you free this year.

Telling the difference between the Hype Hole and Blueprint paths is critical to hitting your Freedom Number.

Let me give you an example…

  • Blueprint investors in Google had a chance to make 36,166% in its first 24 hours of trading compared to just 18% for Hype Hole investors.

  • Blueprint Facebook investors had a chance to make 121,822% in its first 24 hours of trading compared to just 1% for Hype Hole investors.

  • And Blueprint Twitter investors had a chance to make 110,614% in its first 24 hours of trading, while Hype Hole investors made 73%.

Right now, Wall Street is preparing its Hype Hole for the metaverse. And they’re trying to trap as many investors as they can.

That’s why tonight at 8 p.m. ET I’m holding a special briefing to teach you the difference between the Hype Hole and Blueprint paths. (You’ll be livid once you realize how their Hype Hole game works.)

I’ll also share details about my first-ever Blueprint metaverse deal… the kind that could help you hit your Freedom Number this year.

Friends, here’s all you need to know about the metaverse…

It’s the simplest and fastest way to get you from where you are now to where you want to be in 365 days or less.

But Wall Street is preparing you for the wrong path.

On their path, you’ll fund their Freedom Number. You’ll buy their $50 million mansion… their $20 million yacht… and their $1 million supercar.

If you take the Blueprint Path – and I’ll show you how tonight at 8 p.m. ET – you could fund your Freedom Number this year… and the life you deserve.

Which path do you want to be on?

Let the Game Come to You!


Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Venture

P.S. As a bonus for attending the big event, I’ve prepared a full-blown report with the name of my top metaverse play… And I’m giving it away to VIP pass holders, for free.

No marketing BS, no strings attached, nothing. Plus, my past free picks have returned 19x average peak gains… So you’ve truly got nothing to lose.

Click here to reserve your spot and become a VIP today.

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